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Plant Based Diets

Following a plant based diet is becoming increasingly popular. There are numerous benefits to following a plant-based diet including environmental, cost and health.

Following a plant based diet doesn’t mean completely cutting out meat or dairy. A plant based diet means choosing to incorporate more plants foods into your diet so the majority of your diet is made up of a variety of different plant foods such as:

Fruit and veg


Nuts and seeds

Beans, lentils and pulses

A well balanced diet with a wide variety of plant foods can help to exceed the guidelines for eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, tends to be naturally low in saturated fat and high in fibre which supports the gut microbiome.

Well-balanced plant based diets that are low on Saturated fats can also help to contribute towards managing a healthy weight and can reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Considering the impact the meat and dairy industry has to the environment, reducing meat and dairy products and swapping to some plant proteins as an alternative at some meals can have also have a positive environmental impact.

Plant based proteins are also a really great, inexpensive way to add protein and fibre to your meals.

Next time your making a meal have a think about how you could make some swaps or additions to incorporate more plant foods.

BandBoozled LTD is registered in England and Wales under number 10769332 with its registered office: 10 Eden avenue, ST HELENS, MERSEYSIDE, WA11 8HT.

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